H O L I S T I C  H E A L T H  S I M P L I F I E D


Complete this form if you are interested in working with Emmalee, RN, FDN-P.

Please note that I am not taking 1:1 clients at this time, my availability is exclusively regarding functional lab testing. What this looks like:
〜I oder the functional lab testing you desire, and ship the kits directly to your door.
〜You collect the samples at home (with the exception of blood work, which will require you doing to a draw center), and ship them off to the lab. 
〜I review your lab results and send you a video presentation going over the results and protocol based on the findings.
You will receive:
〜your lab results
〜my interpretation
〜your protocol
〜one follow up email with up to 10 protocol-related questions
Who I offer functional lab testing to:
〜individuals who have incorporating all the foundations of the nutrition and lifestyle philosophy I teach (most commonly known as “pro-metabolic” eating) for at least six months
〜those who have been unable to make the progress they desire through the foundational changes they’ve implemented
〜those who have implemented the foundations and are looking for more targeted direction on how to best support their body


Who this offer is not for:
〜individuals just getting started on their health journey
〜those who have not yet implemented the foundations of diet and lifestyle that I teach (macro pairing, 120g+ protein daily, sunlight, grounding, movement, etc)
〜those looking for a quick fix
〜individuals looking for a health coach to walk them through making these changes
if you fall into this category, I highly recommend the Wild + Well-Fed Membership in which I am a practitioner alongside two other incredible holistic practitioners